Monday, 1 October 2007

Phebe can cook - 2nd Try

I tried cooking for the 2nd time at our new place on Saturday, and it was better than the week before! Here's a summary of what I whipped up:

1) Old cucumber & spare ribs soup (lao huang gua pai gu tang)

Success!!!!!! Hb said it was very very nice!

2) Potatoes & stewed pork (stir fry using oyster sauce)

Success! Would be even better though, if I had added less water for the gravy and slightly more oyster sauce. Will try adding in a teeny bit of corn flour next time!

3) Beijing cabbage & luncheon meat (Stir fry using oyster sauce)

Success~! Would be better if I had fried the luncheon meat a bit before adding it in with the cabbage, cos the luncheon meat was a bit soft?

4) Prawn & pork omeletter (Fry)

Getting there. 2 out of 5 pieces was a success, lol. This is the 3rd time I try this stupid omelette thing and finally I am getting the hang of it. Should wait longer before I flip the stupid thing. Add more oil. Next try will be better!

5) Potato meat balls (Deep fry)

BIG FAILURE!!!! I learnt this recipe 9 years ago during Home Econs class - Potato-tuna ball. I had always wanted to try that out again using pork instead of tuna, and well, finally I have the chance, and made a mess outta it, wahahahahhaa! I ended up pouring more and more oil into the stupid wok so that the potato balls can be deep fried evenly. Anyway, to cut the long story short, the balls became distorted and ended up either bursted or in some kind of weird shape, wahahahahahaa! I decided that we shouldn't kill ourselves by eating it, which is why it is not in the pic below!

- Phebe

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