Saturday, 4 December 2010

New side tray for the living room

4 Dec 2010 (Sat) - We sold our white triangle coffee table a few months ago for $100 cos it was not child-safe. Personally, I enjoy the space in the living room without the coffee table, though its a pain to see our sofa cluttered with remote controls (no where to put them without the coffee table).

Been searching for a side table instead, so that it wouldn't take up too much space in the living room. I wanted something foldable. We finally found something suitable at iwannagohome! :D

We got this TJ Whisky Tray Table for $129. It was on discount. Usual price $249! Kitty wasn't too thrilled cos he said $129 is expensive.

I like it cos it looks good, tray is removable, and the metal stand is foldable. Cool~!

Sunday, 8 August 2010

New dining chairs from OM

8 Aug 2010 (Sun) - Finally have time to blog about our new dining chairs!

Our first set started peeling very badly recently, dirtying the floor everyday. Got so fed-up that we decided to shop for new ones. Went to IMM last Friday (30 July) and thankfully, after 10mins walking around the 3rd level where the furniture shops are located, we saw something that looked pretty durable and can match our dining tables. We thus got 4 new dining chairs (Tena series) from OM. Bargained till $430 for 4 chairs.

Old chairs:

New chairs:

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Repainting our bedroom doors

26 June 2010 (Sat) - After complaining for 2.5 years how ugly our bedroom doors look, we finally got a painter to repaint them. The original painter used non-glossy paint, so over time, it looks as if there are patches of white on the MBR door. As for the guest room door, I played smart-alec and coated a layer of varnish over it. So ugly!


Work in progress:

Junior/Guest room door repainted with pearl grey and a strip of soft fern to match the interior.

MBR door repainted with pearl grey and a strip of lavender to match the interior.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Frosting our balcony wall cum door

19 Jun 2010 (Sat) - With many thanks to Evelyn who introduced her ID to us, I finally got one side of my balcony wall and door frosted!

When we were renovating our house, we installed bamboo chicks at the balcony so that our opposite neighbour will not be able to look into our house. Reason being we had hacked away the balcony wall facing the bedrooms and replaced it with clear tempered glass.

The bamboo chicks work well, except that I thought the house will look brighter if we roll it up sometimes. Moreover, it will be better to have a brighter house when we have kids next time (soon).

So over the past year, I have been thinking of ways to solve the problem of not letting our neighbour look in whenever we roll up the bamboo chicks. One option is to install string curtains. The other is to remove the glass wall and build a concrete wall. I don't really fancy the first option as installing string curtains will be expensive and it will get dusty over time. I also think the second option is a little silly, considering we had originally removed the concrete wall just to build a glass one. The glass wall was expensive lor.

A few days ago, I suddenly thought of frosting the wall and door instead! Told Evelyn about it and she gave me her ID no. The guy was quite efficient, and the contractor (one-man show) who was supposed to do the frosting came this morning. We chose the type of frosting that we wanted and he set to work immediately. The job was completed within 1.5hrs. The workmanship is good and we are happy! Haha, problem solved cheaply. Only $190!


Work in progress:


Nice?? :)

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Hunt

30 Mar 2010 - I was a man on a mission.

Her Royal Majesty took cover behind the sofa and gesticulated nervously in the direction of the sub-woofer in the corner. I had just stepped into the living room, bathed in the sweat of strangers on the MRT.

I took another look at Her Royal Majesty and instantly understood that I had an emergency on my hands. This is serious, I thought, as I carefully inched forward in the direction that she had pointed in.

I was right. The hemidactylus frenatus was perched on the wall next to the sub-woofer. Bane of houseflies and fair damsels alike, the common house lizard was a rare visitor in my abode. Nevertheless, its presence was undeniable and it was up to me to save the day.

As I approached, it lifted its head in anticipation. Small, black beady eyes glared at me. I crouched down and grabbed three sheets of tissue from the tissue box on the coffee table. Armed, I advanced even closer to my prey.

It fled. Scurrying away across the TV console towards the comfort of the curtains. Its movements were a yellowish blur, awkward and yet strangely efficient all at once. Her Royal Majesty emitted a girlish scream and hastily retreated into the kitchen. I pressed on in my pursuit.

I pulled away the curtains with a flourish, determined to flush the sneaky intruder out into the open. It froze for two seconds, then sped across the wall to the curtains on the other end. This only provided temporary cover, for I was right behind it to expose its new hiding place.

It must have been shocked by my relentless pursuit, losing its grip and dropping to the floor with an unceremonious "piak". For just a split second, it lay unmoving. Then it came to life and made a beeline for the darkest regions of the house --- the bedrooms!

There was no way that I would allow the foul creature to violate the sanctity of my resting place. I rushed ahead and quickly closed all the doors to the rooms. There was still a small gap at the bottom, but I now stood guard against any intrusion.

Its advance blocked, the creature made a u-turn and escaped into the balcony. I quickly ran into the balcony and shut the door. Unless it leapt off the balcony ledge to certain death, it had no escape. It was now just the two of us. Man versus animal. That was the way it was in Neanderthal times, and that is the way it is now.

I watched it scurry nervously around the ledge as I slowly closed in. With every step, it retreated further into the corner until there was absolutely no more room for it to maneuver. Then it stopped all movement and froze, perhaps hoping that it would be mistaken for a lizard-shaped lump on the wall.

I crouched directly in front of the creature and slowly extended my hand towards it. The tissue paper formed an envelope that cut off all escape routes. It was the first time that I took a good look at my prey.

It was pale cream throughout, with a single claw for each of its three toes on each foot. Somehow, my gaze became fixed on the claws. Long, slim, and above all, razor sharp, they were strangely similar to fingernails that were left uncut.

I could feel my shirt stuck to my sweaty back, and my pulse accelerating. In my 31 years of life, I had never once caught a lizard with my bare hands. I could always rely on my mum to trap and banish these creatures of the dark. Now, I was face to face and barely 30 centimetres away from a prime specimen. To say that I was anxious would be an understatement.

By now, Her Royal Majesty had emerged from hiding to watch the hunt. My stress level escalated knowing that I now had an audience scrutinising my every action. At this distance away from the creature, there was no way it could escape. Yet all I could think of were scenerios in which it made sudden athletic leaps into the air, landing on my hand, and tearing a good chunk out of it with its claws and teeth.

I was paralysed, with my hand frozen directly in front of the creature.

You can do it, you can do it, you can do it. I chanted to myself over and over again, conscious that my audience was baying for blood. I took successive deep breaths to steady myself.

With a manly shout, my hand shot towards the creature and caught it in a death grip. It felt somewhat soft and squishy, and for a moment, I wondered whether I had crushed it to death. But I had no time to indulge in idle reflection, quickly stood up, and hurled the entire package out of the balcony.

I had no idea if it could survive the 14-storey descent. Or if there were innocent bystanders who will curse at the sky for raining lizards and tissue paper. I had fulfilled my duty as protector, provider and man of the house. That was all that mattered.

I turned around to find Her Royal Majesty waiting for me. She gave me a tight hug and even called me her hero. I could only manage a weak smile in return.

All in a day's work, faithful readers. All in a day's work.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Weekend (27-28 Feb)

27 Feb 2010 (Sat) - We had quite a few errands to run and our first stop was the Jurong West market, lol. These days I prefer Indonesian pork, so I don't mind travelling a short distance to get it at the market. Kitty went with me. I like going to the market with Kitty cos he will carry everything, haha. That's what a man is for, isn't it? It was the first time I bought "wet food items" like fish and prawns at the wet market too. Liew, I hate stepping into that section, it was wet!! I wouldn't have gone there if not for the fact we didn't have time to go to the Jurong Point NTUC after that. However, despite the wetness, I managed to buy a big Sea Bass for only $5!! We were like "Whoa! So cheap!" Since we were already at the wet section, might as well buy some prawns. Very cheap manz. And fresh, of course. I told Kitty I feel very auntie, with my purse in my hands walking around the market. One thing I don't like about shopping at the market though, is that the money changed is almost always wet, especially at the fish section. Luckily I put my grocery fund in a purse, so they won't dirty my wallet. The money smell too. I had to go home and wash my notes and coins. Kitty said I am very extreme, money is money what. I said I rather be extreme than having my purse smell like fish. Big fish.

We went home to put the food items into the refrigerator before going to Suntec for lunch at Just Noodles. Went to Millenia Walk to collect my Amore Women's Day Out event kit. Its 3hours of workout this Saturday! I hope I won't die. GNC was having a promotion for members and Kitty got me 2 bottles of pre-natal multi-vitamins. He was saying instead of getting pure folic acid, might as well get multi-vitamins which contains the same amount of folic acid? I thought it made sense. Plus it will improve one's complexion and hair, so why not?

We went to Sim Lim Square after that to shop for a new tripod for our US trip. Kitty had broken our Nikon tripod in Venice. I don't like going to Sim Lim Square. Each visit never fails to make me emerge feeling super tired from all the mouth exercise (aka bargaining) and walking from shop to shop. Plus, I never come out feeling 100% satisfied. Kitty says no matter how good a discount we get, he always comes out of the place feeling cheated, lol. Anyway, after 1.5 hours, we finally settled on a Manfrotto tripod. Kitty said he has seen professionals using this brand. It looks pretty good too, much better than our Nikon, and it is compact, should be able to fit into his backpack. Paid $115 for it. The Nikon cost only $50, lol.

It can be lowered all the way to the floor:



One leg extended:


Full height. Slightly taller than me, lol.


He better not damage this!

Our last stop of the day was IMM. I got a new iron! Bought the Tefal Ultimate Autoclean FV9440 for $159 at Best Denki. Decided not to support Philips for once, haha.


My Philips GC4430 is now on eBay for $30. Any takers?


Went home to watch Titanic on Channel 5. Liew, can't believe how different Leonardo looks now.

28 Feb 2010 (Sun) - Went to church in the morning and Hip-hop in the afternoon. Decided not to go for belly dancing cos I suspect I have a loose ankle. Plus, I must conserve my energy for aerobics on Mon, hot yoga on Tues, and kick boxing and cardiolatino on Wed. The Amore WMD is on Sat... I must "train" for it so that I can last throughout the 3hours!

We had Irish Mutton Stew for lunch.


It was supposed to be Lamb stew, but I couldn't find any lamb at the market, lol.

We had a kinda heavy dinner no thanks to the fish.

Steamed Sea Bass (aka "kim bak lor") with ginger and garlic:


Now I feel like a cat. Both of us finished this big fish! I don't have a big and long plate used for fish (the oval metal one I have is too short), so I got my biggest round plate and put the fish on it. Ok lah. No dripping. I steamed it using the Philips steamer. Haha, I managed to squeeze the whole thing in! A bit cramp, but still can, haha! This is very nice manz, and only $5!!! The sauce was prepared separately in a pan and drizzled onto the fish. Great! I shall buy this fish again. A smaller one of course. These days we have been buying different fishes to "experiment". My fave is still the silver pomfret though, and salmon, of course.

French beans with Sesame seed sauce:


You will be surprised at how different french beans taste with sesame seeds! I bought a packet of white sesame seeds and "toasted" them in a pan. They can be kept for very long if stored in the fridge, so why not? Add 3 tbsp of the toasted sesame seeds to the french beans and the result is great! Its really nice, a good change from the usual way of cooking veggies!

Steamed Mushrooms with minced pork and prawns:


I mixed minced pork and prawns together and scooped them onto the mushrooms. Quite nice, though they looks like clams to me, wahahahhahaahha! Was supposed to garnish it with some carrot bits, but I FORGOT, lol. Ok lah, the prawns added some colour too, heheh.

3 dishes for dinner. Super full.


I did the washing of dishes cos Kitty would take a super long time if he did. He was helping me to wipe them dry, and do other stuff such as cleaning the rice cooker, cleaning the cooker hob and hood, clearing the rubbish...etc.

Me: Haiz. I feel like a dishwasher.

I thought he would say something like "Oh you poor thing" (sometimes he does) or "Ok later I help you massage".


Kitty: Hah! What about me? I feel like a DISHWASHER'S ASSISTANT lor!


Kitty (con't saying): True what, you stand there wash and tell me do this do that, "wo lian yi ge dishwasher assistant dou bu ru" (I am worse than a dishwasher) lor!


Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Dinners (22-24 Feb)

Dinner on Monday night, 22 Feb:

Chicken Porridge with Dried Scallops and Clams


Dinner on Tuesday night, 23 Feb:

Mushroom omelette



Steamed French Beans with Shiitake Mushrooms


Steamed Song Fish (aka Carp)


Dinner on Wednesday night, 24 Feb:

Chicken Mushroom Rice with Bakwa

I had to think of a way to get rid of the Bakwa Mdm Yik gave us and decided to add them to the rice. It was very nice and the old cat loves it!


Monday, 22 February 2010

Lunch and dinner on 21 Feb

One pot dish of Chicken with Mushrooms and Dried Oysters for Sunday lunch (21 Feb).


I have cooked this before last month, but this time, I used homemade chicken stock as the base instead of water. It tastes nicer!

Cooking on Sunday night (21 Feb):

Steamed Spinach with Century Egg


Kitty saw this on the century egg and asked me to take a pic:


Steamed Beef:


Steamed Shark Steak:


This time I remembered to buy both tomatoes and mushrooms, haha. Anyway, the shark tastes different from other fishes. The meat is a bit spongy. It looks very muscular huh? I told Kitty must be because the shark was busy killing other fishes for food, thats why it became so muscular. This dish is nice, but I personally prefer the silver pomfret and toman fish. By the way, does anyone know what is the difference between the Silver Pomfret and Chinese Pomfret?? They look the same to me.

3 dishes for dinner on Sunday:


Thursday, 18 February 2010

Dinner on Thursday night, 18 Feb

My dinner. Kitty's supper. ABC Soup with Spare Ribs


Bought the spare ribs from the wet market yesterday. I think I can tell the difference in taste between Indonesian pork and Australian pork (from NTUC) liao. Indonesian pork has a nice sweet taste by its own. Hard to explain. Try making soup or any other pork dishes with Indonesian pork and the Aussie pork from NTUC and you will know the diff.

Made this steamed egg dish to add to our lunch boxes tmr. This time, I added century egg and salted egg to the beaten egg mixture. IT IS YUMMY!!!!


Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Dinner on Wed night, 17 Feb

Today is my last day of freedom from the CNY holidays. Kitty had to work, so I had the day to myself. I decided to try making Mdm Yik's Stewed Pork Belly with Quail Eggs dish. First, I had to make a trip to the wet market at Jurong West. Got to get Indonesian pork you know? Ok, I finally understand that the pork sold at wet markets are from Indonesia. They are of better quality than the Australian ones sold at NTUC.

So pai seh. As it is my first time buying pork (especially pork belly which I have never bought before)at the wet market, I called Mdm Yik and asked her how to tell the pork seller what I want, lol. I even noted down her speech!

Here goes:

Me: Uncle! Give me 3 slices of pork belly. Don't want too much fats; I will be using it for stewing. Thickness about "like that" (indicate with thumb and index finger). Help me to cut into small pieces.

Haha, so I got my pork belly and other ingredients. Went to JP NTUC after that to buy some other ingredients like prawns (don't feel like stepping into the wet section at the market). Saw the Toman fillet selling very cheap and they look fresh, so I bought one to try. What a coincidence. As I was walking to the car park, I noticed Mdm Yik's car parked just a few lots away! She had a movie appt with her pals. This reminds me of 2 weeks ago when I was at Pioneer Mall and found my dad's (The EL) car parked next to mine as well, lol. What a small world.

Steamed Broccoli with Prawns:


Stewed Pork Belly with Quail Eggs:


I bought more pork and quail eggs than what was stated in Mdm Yik's recipe. Cos of that I added more water and the gravy was not as saturated as it should be. Nevertheless, Kitty said it was yummy. I personally think its nice too, but better with more dark soy sauce (the Ipoh one I mentioned in my previous post) and lesser water. I brought some over to the Low Clan at night to let them try. Mdm Yik said it was very nice and fragrant, but it would be better if I had added lesser water, 1 more Tbsp of dark soy sauce and let it simmer longer. Haha, ok, I will do that the next time and let them try again!

Steamed Toman Fillet with Mushrooms:


I forgot to buy tomatoes, so you can only see mushrooms here, haha. Think the Toman fillet is nicer than the snapper... Kitty and I like this a lot. The meat is very "shuang kou"!

3 Dishes for dinner:
