Friday, 27 April 2007

Knock Knock...Swish Swoosh

22 Apr 2007 - After church, Hb and I went down to our new place again. Hb was supposed to wash the toilets to clean off all the masking tapes. As a form of displaying my moral support, I went to buy detergent and scrubbing materials for him. Never thought the day would come when I would shop for toilet cleaning items and the shop attendant was trying not to burst out laughing when he saw me scrutinizing the different types of toilet brushes, lol. In the end, I decided to buy the brush I thought looked the prettiest, lol. To make our lives easier, we even brought along the 2 portable stools we bought when camping overnight at HDB in January!

While Hb washed the toilets, I kept myself busy by checking for hollow tiles in the kitchen. Super tiring and I passed on the job to Hb after he finished cleaning the toilets. Felt particularly satisfied even though we did not manage to finish checking the floor tiles of the toilets as I had to go back to the office at night.

- Phebe

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