Since installation for the lights on Monday, we had no chance to take pics of them until last night, when Arsie and I went up and I brought along my digicam, haha. Let the pics speak for themselves!

*The living room. White light. Bright with 2 bulbs!*

*Surprisingly, the one middle bulb (warm light) was brighter than we expected~! Creates a different atmosphere to the living room. Love it!*

*The dining light... the most expensive of all... $285 after discount! Liew...*

*Our wire-mesh balcony light which we got Betty to modify, haha~! Love the metal holder at the top, it makes the area look modern and cool~!*

*Blurry pic of our MBR light. Added an IC as well so that there would be white light too~!*

*Our Walk-in-wardrobe light. Notice that it is the mounted version of the MBR light?*

*Dresser area light which is part of the Walk-in-wardrobe. Love the effect caused by the strings surrounding the cylinder. Notice that the MBR, WIW and dresser lights are all of the same series to show that it is all part of our now very big MBR (the size of 2 bedrooms)~*

*MBR toilet light. Nice black dog bowl, as I call it, haha. Finally the horribly ugly pipe is boxed up~*
*Big silver dog bowl for the kitchen. Removed the second lighting point and due to the extremely small kitchen size, this one light is very bright!*

*Smaller silver dog bowl for the service balcony to show it's part of the kitchen. Only this and the kitchen's light have silver covers as we feel it makes the kitchen look very "clean-cut". Oh, and simple too~!*

*Nice black dog bowl for the common toilet as well*
*Dog bowl beaming in the dark*
That's all for the lights! Didn't bother taking the pics of the study and store room lights cos (1) Study light is similar to the living room light only that the latter has some design on its black cover. The study light has the IC thingy as well to allow us to switch between warm and white lights. (2) Storeroom light is just the normal hanburger light, so don't see the need of displaying, haha~! Oh, and there are no pics of our entrance foyer and bedroom passageway lights cos....I forgot!!!!! :p Will upload them later on~!
Ok, here are some other updates:

*After 2 months of waiting, HDB finally changed our toilet bowls to plain white! Liew, never thought the day would come when we would get so enthu over toilet bowls?! Wahahahahaha~!*
*Yay, finally after so long, they are gonna start on the laminate flooring for the bedrooms, study and store room!*
That's all for the moment, will be back with more updates! Tata~!
- Phebe
- Phebe
You're just gonna miss all these fun once all this is pls enjoy it while it lasts!
ya manz tell me abt it, the one and only time i get to see this house in a mess!
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