Friday, 13 July 2007

And There Was Light

9 July 2007 - For a long time now, Her Royal Majesty and I have fumbled in the darkness during our nightly inspections of The Corner. We were grateful for every smidgen of illumination that filled the house, be it from the moon, the factories across the road, the common corridor or Her Royal Majesty's handphone.

Although we had always somehow managed to get by, we were never able to fully appreciate every detail that was done to the flat until the weekends, when we could spare time to visit during the day. As such, it was with great wonder and relief that we greeted the installation of our lights.

The first light to be switched on was the living room light. Followed by our dining lights, kitchen lights, and the various lights in the rooms in quick succession. We probably experienced the same outpouring of emotions as cavemen when fire was first discovered and ran around switching the lights on and off multiple times.

The lights helped to add a different dimension to the house altogether, and it now looks much more habitable. What's more, the renovation looks set to benefit too as the workers are now able to put in more OT!!

- Melvin

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