14 July 2007 - Hb and I went to IMM and headed straight for BHG. I have finally made up my mind to change our dining chairs. Haiz been thinking about this for the past week and finally a decision has been made... haiz. Yes, I do like our original dining chair, but come to think of it, it is so freaking heavy that I have difficulty lifting it up! What's the point of getting a chair that is so heavy that you don't feel like using, right? To top it off, I am in-charged of vacuuming the floor... how am I going to lift up those chairs??? As far as I am concern, can't lift, don't clean, haha, but Hb will surely nag non-stop, so well, to make my life easier, I have decided to get a lighter weight chair!
Went to BHG and I chose another chair that I liked a lot but ended up not buying the previous time. Biang, that stupid chair is now selling for $199 when back in early June, it was only $129! Silly staff told us there was an internal error at their office and the price was quoted wrongly the time we bought it! So that means, for 4 chairs, we had to top up $320 if we want to change to the other model! Siao! Reasoned it out with them and in the end they said top up $100 will do. At that point, I decided to keep my golden mouth shut and let Hb settle the rest. Cos from past experience, if I had said anything else and the results ended up not to our advantage, he will sure nag at me... so play smart this time, let him do the talking, at least he can blame no one but himself! So the 2 men continued to talk, and talk and talk. No raising of voices or whatsoever (Hb is not that kind to create a scene in public), just shooting with sacarsm, lol, and in the end, we got our change without having to pay anything extra! Yay! So happy! Haha, at least I won't have such a hard time lifting up the stupid chair in future!

*Our original super heavt dining chair...bye bye....we are not meant to be together afterall, hehe*
Went to my HK aunt's condo after that to get some of her furniture before she flies off next week. Haha, got a vacuum cleaner from her as well! So happy, after using to clean up our place can throw it away! Very heartpain if we were to use the new one (Philips high performance) to clean all the dirty stuff! Oh, and she supplied us with her broom and mop too, same thing... use finish can throw then don't need to use our new ones! Hahahaha! Got her Epson printer too, haha, so will use it to print black and white and use our new Canon printer for colour printing. Philips DVD player to put in the living room while we scout around for our home theather system. Study chair in super good condition so we don't have to waste money to buy! Hmmm, and a wooden side table and chest of drawers which we intend to dump in the guest room. Looks good. Just need a coat of varnish for the side table and change of the laminate on top of the drawer cos The EL damanged it when he was pushing it along the way!!!!! Lol, saved on transportation and despatch cost cos The EL drove his co's lorry to help load the stuff. Poor thing. He drove all the way to Bedok where his company was to get the lorry and then drove the lorry all the way to Tiong Bahru where my aunt's condo was. Then drove our stuff to our new place which is all the way at Jurong West, then off he drove again to Bedok to return the lorry and drove his car all the way back to Jurong. By the time he and mum returned it was already 11pm! Wahahahahahaha~!
*The stuff*
- Phebe
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