Most of us probably ain't aware of how much a padlock can cost, probably $30 at most? Anyway, we decided to invest in a Durolock. It comes in a 2-in-1 package, whereby the smaller one is given FOC. We had only wanted to buy the main lock, but then it costs $128, whereas the package price is $148. So being typical kiasu Singaporeans, we decided to make the most of our money and got the package instead. Surprisingly, its quite easy to install, and it's really very secure! The gate hardly shakes no matter how much u tug at it, lol. Really a good investment for home security! Convenient to use too, since its fixed onto the gate and you don't have to remove the whole padlock whenever you want to open the gate! I think it looks kinda cool, lol.

We spent our Saturday morning at the flat waiting for the Starhub guys to come to fix the reception thingy for our TV. So sad, as we modified the location of our TV point, we won't be able to view SCV in the living room, only in the bedrooms. But its ok lah, I hardly watch TV anyway. I prefer DVDs! Don't like the service guy's attitude, felt like smacking him upside down.
The guys from Sim Win Liang came to install our storeroom shelvings. We ordered the Made in Italy steel range. Supposed to be able to tahan 200 kg per shelve for the smaller size racks and 150 kg for the bigger one. Guess what? They brought the wrong sizes!!! Liew. Anyway, the guy came back again at night and finished the rest of the installation. It was very fast, less than 20 mins, haha. So happy manz, finally we can stack up our things nicely instead of leaving them around everywhere! Cleaned all the stuff and wrapped up all the remaining tiles as though we were wrapping up X'mas presents, wahahahhaaa. Very nicely done, cos I am freaking particular when it comes to cleaning and packing. I can bo chup on extreme imperfections in my bedroom in my parents' home, but strangely, for our new place, nothing escapes my eye, wahahahahhaa! Perhaps this is what most people refer to as "san fen zhong re du". Who knows after some time I will revert back to my "close one eye" habit, lol.
Very satisfied with this~!The guy from Homelovers Wallpaper Centre also came to install the bamboo chicks for our balcony. I think it looks kinda cool! In fact, our future next door neighbour won't be able to look over anymore! Yay!

Inner view~

Outter view with clear plastic protective sheet~
We also got something kinda important last week - a microwave with grill. Although we don't know how the hell to use it, but its ok, we're happy with using just the heating up function for the moment, haha. Will microwave some chicken sandwich for Arsie the next time she comes over(private joke there)!
Our Sanyo microwave sitting obediently beside the fridge~Hb set up the DVD player on Saturday as well~! Had to make do with it since we haven't buy our home theather system. Had a great time yesterday evening watching VCD over dinner, kinda comfy with the aircon on. I think it will be even cosier if our living rooms have curtains! Gonna settle the curtain thingy after we come back from Japan!

Making do with the Philips DVD player for the moment~ better than nothing haha~
After weeks of babbling about the wrapped up dining table, here it is~!

Placed an artistic vase on the small wall shelve in our study. I think it looks better after taking out the fake shiny rose, haha! See when free gotta go shop for cool clocks for the house. Very irritating to keep having to fish out our hps from our bags just to look at the time!

Some of the church members came over to see see look look yesterday. Kinda amusing to note that while so many people have viewed our place, our folks have not, lol. Thus, The Low Clan came over yesterday evening, and tabao-ed dinner for us as well, hehe.

So sweet of Meanie & family to buy us this steamboat-steamer thingy. Looks kinda "chim" to me though. It's weird in a way sometimes, when I don't know how to use certain things that I receive, but just the receiving part makes me kinda excited, wahahahhaha! It's like there MIGHT be a chance of using it, and I am kinda looking forward to the exploration part. It's like a new toy for me, haha!
- Phebe
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