Saturday, 19 June 2010

Frosting our balcony wall cum door

19 Jun 2010 (Sat) - With many thanks to Evelyn who introduced her ID to us, I finally got one side of my balcony wall and door frosted!

When we were renovating our house, we installed bamboo chicks at the balcony so that our opposite neighbour will not be able to look into our house. Reason being we had hacked away the balcony wall facing the bedrooms and replaced it with clear tempered glass.

The bamboo chicks work well, except that I thought the house will look brighter if we roll it up sometimes. Moreover, it will be better to have a brighter house when we have kids next time (soon).

So over the past year, I have been thinking of ways to solve the problem of not letting our neighbour look in whenever we roll up the bamboo chicks. One option is to install string curtains. The other is to remove the glass wall and build a concrete wall. I don't really fancy the first option as installing string curtains will be expensive and it will get dusty over time. I also think the second option is a little silly, considering we had originally removed the concrete wall just to build a glass one. The glass wall was expensive lor.

A few days ago, I suddenly thought of frosting the wall and door instead! Told Evelyn about it and she gave me her ID no. The guy was quite efficient, and the contractor (one-man show) who was supposed to do the frosting came this morning. We chose the type of frosting that we wanted and he set to work immediately. The job was completed within 1.5hrs. The workmanship is good and we are happy! Haha, problem solved cheaply. Only $190!


Work in progress:


Nice?? :)

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