I think a steamer and slow cooker makes a really good combi to having healthy and tasty home cooked meals. Ever since I got my steamer, I have been cooking on a more regular basis, from once a month or once in 2 months to 2-3 times a week. But it can get kinda boring sometimes as I often run out of ideas of what to steam for dinner. Then comes along the slow cooker. I can make soups and stews with it! Its so convenient! I always thought that slow cookers are a waste of money but now I think otherwise. They make great one-pot meals! I usually put the ingredients into the slow cooker at night, leaving them to cook overnight. The food will be ready the next day, so all I have to do when I get home from work is to let it heat up again. The inner pot can be placed directly over the stove for heating up too, thus saving more time. With the wonderful combi of the steamer and slow cooker, I now cook about 4 times a week including weekends. I usually cook 4 servings, 2 for dinner and 2 for our next day lunch boxes. Although there are still things to wash, at least it is not as tiring as re-washing my heavy WMF wok whenever I finish cooking each dish. So now, we can easily have soup and 2-3 dishes for each meal, or simply just a one-pot meal. Its so complete! Kitty says these are 2 of the best investments he has ever made so far, haha! 
Lunch on Sunday, 24 Jan
Beef Stew
Cooked this using the slow cooker. Its so nice! I think it would be even better if I had used less beef broth and made the gravy thicker. Added potatoes, carrots, radish and big onions. A great one-pot meal!
Dinner on Monday, 25 Jan
Black Chicken Soup
Cooked this using the slow cooker too, so convenient, haha! As I plan my menu once a week with some dishes like this requiring chinese herbs, Kitty has to go get them for me at Rochor. I think he has by now become a familiar face to the shop there!
Steamed Kai Lan
Used oyster sauce for the gravy and added a few drops of sesame oil. I am surprised at the boost of flavour to the oyster sauce!
Steamed Egg with smashed Tofu
We have been eating a lot of steamed eggs cos I have plenty of eggs in my fridge expiring soon. We had wanted to make Deviled Eggs for the family cottage meeting on Sat night and had stocked up our fridge with eggs. Who knows, Kitty had to go back to his office to oversee some filming works and we couldn't make it in the end. Now, we are stuck with plenty of eggs. I am still left with 5 more eggs to clear after this! Anyway, this time, I smashed the egg tofu to see how it will look. Ok, not nice. I still prefer the full yellow-smooth look, haha. Tastes the same though.
Haha, I cooked too much beef stew on Sunday and thus we had a small pot leftover for Monday's dinner despite already having brought some to work for lunch, lol.
Dinner on Tuesday, 26 Jan
Steamed cabbage with fishcake
Haha, somehow the old cat thought I stir-fried this dish. But no lah, I steamed both the cabbage and fishcake, lol. Steamed veggies are just so crisp and tasty!
Steamed Pork Ribs
I realized I have a bottle of Mirin in my cabinet and I am determined to use as much as I can in my cooking. Cannot let it go wasted like many of my other seasonings and sauces. By the way, this is the expensive spare ribs I bought at the wet market (mentioned in prev post), the very one that Kitty dropped in his haste! Anyway, this dish is DELICIOUS!!!! I got the recipe from some online blog and after reading its very positive reviews, I decided to try making it on my own. Its so simple to make yet tastes sooooooooooooo yummy! For those who are interested, just buy some pork ribs (or pork chop if you don't want the bone) and marinate it with the following: 2 Tbsp Oyster sauce, 1 Tbsp Sesame oil, 1 Tbsp Sugar (I used Mirin), 2 Tbsp Hua Diao Jiu, 1 Tsp Corn flour and some Pepper. Optional: 1 Tsp White Vinegar. Marinate the pork for 1-2 hours and steam it for 20mins. Its really delicious!!!
That's our dinner. It includes a bowl of black chicken soup from Monday, lol.
Dinner on Wed, 27 Jan
ABC Soup with Chicken
This is not my first time cooking ABC soup but its my first time using the slow cooker to make this soup. I usually add spare ribs in the soup but this time I used chicken. Surprisingly, it tasted really yummy!! I shall opt for chicken next time when I make this soup, haha!
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