Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The Black Elephant

I have complained about our study countless times. About how it is a BLACK elephant. Spent so much money to furnish it nicely only to have me using my laptop in the living room.


Cos I am a multi-tasker. I want to watch my Dvds when I use the lappy.

My original idea was to have the study table against where the current glass wall is. Of course, that would mean having a half glass wall instead of the current full glass wall.


1) Save money on the glass.

2) I get to watch TV since the study table will be against the intended half glass wall.

3) Won't be able to see the wires (printer, study light...) from the living room with a half glass wall.

4) I won't need to sit on the floor at the coffee table now.

5) The coffee table won't look so messy with 2 lappys (when Hb and I work together).

6) We won't have to go through the hassle of having to remove the laptop from the coffee table and place it on the floor whenever it is dinner time.

7) I won't have to keep going into the study whenever I want to get stationery.

Side track: The dining table is also another black elephant!



It's such a good idea (to me) and yet Hb refused. Kept saying that it's not good to face the TV while working on the lappy cos "face the TV how to concentrate when studying???"

Me: I have graduated liao. You ain't studying too. What's there to concentrate on???

Him: *change the topic since he got nothing to rebutt me on*

Me: Even if you ever need to CONCENTRATE, we can always install those cool modern looking blinds or string curtains or something mah! You can draw them down if you like, and I can part them when I want to watch TV while using the lappy!

Him: *Gave some lame reason of which I can't recall*

Anyway, the damage has been done.

He got his way.

I should have insisted!!!!!! Thinking back, I wonder why I didn't insist too much. Probably cos the reno at that time was already giving me a big headache?

Now, as I look at the study, I really think its a waste for me! I love the space, yet I can't bear to part with my beloved TV....

Hb is the only one who uses the study. He said its more spacious, so these days he works on his lappy there.

The thing is, it's kinda "comfy", especially when you switch on the aircon.


So can someone please tell me, what's there to concentrate on since he ends up dozing off anyway??

Manz... I really think I am not fully utilising the study, especially since I am online practically every night!

I finally thought of a solution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super excited now.

Solution: BUY ANOTHER TV ~!! - and a small Dvd player!

I was thinking, if we buy another TV (a small one will do, about 19" is perfect), we can place it somewhere below the bottom left side of where the current big picture frame is. Of course, we'll have to redo the furniture layout of that area. As in, reposition the current small brown table or something, to make that whole stretch look nicer.

Right now, the furniture layout along that wall looks kinda boring. That's cos we decided not to put those comfy rugs, bean bags and magazine racks after all. The thought of the cleaning makes me sick, and those items can get quite dusty after a while. Plus, we hardly spend time in the study... so might as well leave it simple... easy to clean too! :D

Anyway, I have always felt that something is missing along that stretch of wall, particularly the area on the left where the window is. Now, with the new TV idea, I "agar agar" know how to re-layout that area already!!!!!

Of course, as expected, Hb raised his objections, saying the TV in the bedroom is already super under- utilised, what for buy another one?

Me: YOU under-utilise it. I still got use it when I do my weekly hair treatment in the bedroom.

*Yes, lame, but it's still a point...*

Finally managed to convince Hb to buy me a small TV, but gotta wait till after our customary wedding and honeymoon (these 2 can cause possible huge damage financially, so can't anyhow splurge on big items these few months) are over.

My proposal to him when I started my "psycho-ing":

1) I will be able to fully utilise the study. The study will no longer be a black elephant.

2) The living room area will look much neater.

3) No need to remove the laptop from the coffee table whenever we have dinner.

4) Right now, the TV in the living room is over utilised. Should "spread the usage" to prolong its life. (ok I know that's kinda lame, but its still a reason!)

5) In the future (at least 3 years down the road), when we have BABY, we won't have to fight for the TV anymore. Just nice, one TV and Dvd player for each of us. I don't mind using the small one in the study since I am always on the lappy anyway. Hb can use the one in the bedroom. BABY can use the one in the living room. Plus, with all the glass walls, both Hb and I will be able to keep an eye on BABY from where we are! :D

MAnz I'm so happy~!!!!

- Phebe

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