Sunday, 16 December 2007

A Typical Weekday for Melvin

16 Dec 07 - Her Royal Majesty has decreed that her life is boring. To prove her point, she has gamely laid out the details that make up her day. As a loyal subject, it is my duty to inform Her Royal Majesty that although her life may not be the most action-packed one around, there is always someone out there who is one rung higher (or should that be lower?) on the boredom scale. See below:

6.45am: Alarm clock goes beep-beep-beep. I usually get up by the fifth or sixth beep and stretch out an arm to silence it. Next, I trudge out to the common toilet, grab my towel, head back to the master toilet to take my shower, and spruce myself up sufficiently so that I don't go around scaring anyone who sees me.

7.05am: My eyelids have now gathered enough strength to hold themselves apart. I pop in my vitamin (yes, only one) and start preparing breakfast for both of us. This usually consists of sliced bread and whatever spread catches my fancy. Occasionally, I would stretch my culinary abilities and make a ham and cheese sandwich for Her Royal Majesty.

7.15am: Time to wake Her Royal Majesty. This involves 5 minutes of prodding, poking, shaking and a quick shoulder massage. Then it's back to finish up the half-completed sandwich.

7.30am: I head to the walk-in-wardrobe to slip on my work wear, which really just consists of quickly pulling on my black pants and grabbing the nearest shirt. I also slap on some hair wax (yes, it's the brand with the Japanese actor pulling funny faces in front of the mirror).

7.45am: Out of the house and headed to work!

Yet another exciting day in my world.

- Melvin

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