21 Apr 2007 - After a long wait of more than 3 months since we applied for our EA, we finally collected our keys! Hb and I went down to HDB on 21 April 2007 and after all the paperwork was done, we were given a key pouch containing 26 keys! Signed on the legal documents more than 20 times until I also didn’t know what I was signing, haha! Surprisingly, everything was done within 1.5 hours! By right, Hb has a 90% ownership since most of the monthly payment will be borne by him, plus all the PUB bills and conservancy charges, but by left, since he indicated in the contract as “Joint tenancy”, that means that officially, its 50-50! Wahahahahahahaa! We had to pay 3 months worth of conservancy charges that amounted to $241.50…. that means $80.50 per month just for rubbish clearance and general maintenance! Now I understand why Singapore is so cash rich…

Went over to our new place in the evening and started checking for defects as we were supposed to submit our defect list within a week. Super tiring! The Low Clan came over to help us check for defects as well and thankfully, there weren’t too many as expected~!
- Phebe
- Phebe
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