It's been some time since our last entry cos we've been quite busy with our ROM and short ROM getaway. Still trying to get used to being married, lol, especially when the custom officer at Changi Airport asked, "You 2 are friends?" and I was about to say "Yes" until Hb said "no, we're husband and wife", lol. Anyway, we are finally back in good old Singapore and here I am, blogging away once again~!
Just the day before our ROM, that was on... let me see, yes, 8th Sep, Joyce Mok from Window View came and we ordered our curtains from her. Very fast manz, our curtains were installed the very day after we come back from Japan - only 1 week!
Living room - Day & night curtains :))
Guest room - Roman blind. Love the dark grey colour!
MBR -The shimmering look. Love it!!
Red colour for the study~!
Received a Philips rice cooker from Tai Tai and Amelia as a gift. See when I'm free I'll go and figure out how to use it. Looks easy, but well, for people like me who can't cook to survive, it will definitely be a good idea to really read through the whole instruction manual thoroughly!

Believe it or not, Hb and I actually went to Japan and bought quite a lot of household items apart from my clothes, shoes and bags, lol, including lugging back a 4 tier metal rack for our service balcony, wahhahahaa! Didn't manage to find the correct size of such racks in Singapore. Either too big or too small, or too plastic-ky. Not cheap too, 3800 yen. That's about SGD $49. Bought a lot of miscellaneous stuff at Daiso too, haha. Compared to Sg's Daiso which sells each item for SGD$2, the Daiso in Japan is selling per item for only SGD$1.35! Had a great time shopping there! :D
Continued our shopping spree even after we returned to our humble country. Bought a couple of electrical appliances within a span of 2 days, so happy, haha!

Got the above 2 items from Kong Tai. Total damage: $185

Got this handheld cordless vacuum cleaner from Best Denki. Damage: $76

Our air cooler from CK Tang. You can actually put water and ice inside the base, lol. Damage: $159
We also bought a hell lot of storage containers from Daiso (IMM) - 11 pces, wahahahhaa! Oh, and 2 big ones from Giant. And we went grocery shopping to fill up our fridge! Kinda fun, especially since someone is there to carry the stuff, wahahahahaha!
The result of grocery shopping:
This is definitely not all~ *grinz*
My first breakfast after moving into our new place - ham sandwich and fruit mix consisting of pineapples, honeydew and oranges. Nicely prepared and packed by Hb in the morning on our 1st day back to work (18 Sep). He took over Mdm Yik's duty of preparing my daily breakfast. The one good thing of breakfast being prepared by Hb is that I can specify what I want to eat the day before, which is something Mdm Yik would not entertain me, haha! Breakfast for today is butter and kaya sandwich, with a pack of grapes with the stalks removed, hehe. Now I am wondering what type of sandwich and fruit mix I want for breakfast tmr... feel like having ham and cheese sandwich....
Gonna shop for a tower fan over the weekend, can't wait! Will be going to OM to order another set of sofa covers too, and to Sim Siang Choon to buy another of the shiny white metal waste bin, lol.
Ok, that's all for the moment~! Tata~
- Phebe