I was cleaning the shelves 2 weeks ago and it took me a freaking 45mins to 1 hour just to clean everything. As usual, I had to clean all the boxes and shelves. I find that very time consuming and thus, went to ask for quotations again, this time patronizing a shop owned by an uncle I know. The carpenter came over in the evening and to my delight, told me that doors CAN be installed!! I was so happy! The cost though, would be around $3500 after discount. I told Kitty about it and requested to have doors installed. Thankfully, he agreed!!! So happy!!!
Fast-forward to Wednesday. I sent C to school in the morning then quickly rushed home to let the carpenters in. I had asked Mdm Yik to help me pick C from school. The carpenters came to install the doors in our WIW and replace the hinges for our shoe cabinet and storeroom. Work completed at 5pm. Our WIW looks so nice and tidy now! Super love the design! I also love the fact that the new hinges for the shoe cabinet and storeroom makes opening the doors noiseless! I spent the next few hours cleaning up. 2 whole hours just to wipe the cupboard lor. Here are the pics!