I broke my favourite water pitcher...... the very pitcher Hb and I hunted for high and low and finally found at Chinatown OG... :'(
So sad..... but until now I also have no idea how the glass jug managed to fall onto the floor, giving me a scare with the loud "piang!!!!!!!" Haiz....
Being the ever faithful me, I decided that I must buy back the very same sea shell shaped water pitcher. It was cheap and good, only $12, and so pretty too. Thus, I made Hb accompany me all the way to OG Chinatown just to look for the same jug. Alas, guess what? NO MORE LIAO!!!!! MAnz!!!! We ended up buying another design that looked ALMOST the same but slightly bigger, and more expensive too... $22.90 for a PLASTIC water pitcher! The good thing though about this water pitcher is the center portion. The ice tube can be filled with water and stored into the freezer, afterwhich when ready it can be screwed onto the lid of the pitcher to chill water or other beverages! No wonder its so freaking expensive... haiz. Anyway, its made of PLASTIC... no more breakage... I hope.

As the saying goes, no pain no gain. As mentioned in my previous posts, OG has become one of my favourite places to shop. I found THE CLAY POT there!!! Just nice to put frog meat, wahahahaha! Really cheap and nicer looking than those with traditional floral-like prints! Only $8.90! Yay finally found a clay pot that I like! :D
In the process, we bought 2 rice bowls too, having realised that of all the tableware we have, we have no white porcelain bowls! At first we didn't buy any as both of us use plates instead of bowls, but then we realised that some of our guests may use bowls...so... we bought two just in case, lol.

We finally received the cute door stopper I ordered online!

Hb was so hardworking today! He cleaned most of the WIW, the water pipes, stained pebblewash and the kitchen's solid surface top! I am most pleased with the solid surface, it is now sparkling clean and shiny after Hb used lemon pledge to clean it!

- Phebe