We are more or less done with all the shopping and we have bought the very last item which is something we had decided not to buy - a home theater system. For someone who hardly watches TV, I see no point in getting one other than having it sit on the console collecting dust and more dust, lol. Anyway, my mini hi-fi died on me on Saturday, and we suspect it got something to do with the socket. Anyway, since it wasn't a very expensive hi-fi to begin with and though I used it no more than 10 times within the past 2 years, I can't be bothered to check if it can be revived. Hb and I went to Courts on Sat evening to check on my laptop's extended warranty, and got won over by the promoter's glib tongue on one of the Philips home theater system. We had wanted to buy one with those cool tall standing speakers, but realised that it would mean more wires being exposed no thanks to the design of our Tv console. As such, we decided to get those small cube-like ones instead. Not much difference from most of the tall boys except that it ain't standing. RMS is also about the same apart from one of the Panasonic tall boys, which has got 1000RMS. Anyway, to cut the long story short, yeah, we finally bought our home theater system, kissing goodbye to another few hundred bucks. I think this is the least he can do for me, since he will be on a 2 week reservist training (more like holiday to me), leaving me with no one to torture at home and thus having to be contented by watching Dvds (bought a new series, very funny!) and surfing the net. At least he was kind enough to set it up for me yesterday. I will show my gratitude by making full use of it during his absence. Dvds receive your queen!!

The current Dvd player was shifted to the MBR, so I'll be able to watch Dvds in the room too, yay!

Oh, and we have finally finish drilling the holes for our wall clock! Can only do drilling on Saturdays as we have fussy neighbours and an irritating kid upstairs who cries whenever he hears drilling sounds. Thus, we can only have fun drilling on Saturday mornings as they can't complain, wahahahahaha! Here it is, something to fill up the wall!

I am beginning to enjoy cooking, haha. It certainly beats eating out everyday! I'm was so grateful to Mdm Yik for imparting me her culinary skills that I happily brought over a pot of ABC soup for The Low Clan on Sat night, haha~! Cooked chicken & mushroom steamed rice for lunch and it turned out quite nice too! Consulting Mdm Yik is the best. It beats having to read recipe books which I can never understand!

A tupperware full of chicken & mushroom steamed rice~

My ABC soup~
- Phebe