28th June 2007 - FINALLY. FINALLY at long last we have bought our remaining lightings! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chelsea is great! The brown string cylinder-like hanging light for our WIW passageway does not come with a piece of cylindrical glass inside like the bigger versions of the same hanging light. As a result, its ugly (in my humble opinion) as the bulb can be seen through the strings. In fact, after checking out other lighting shops, Hb and I found that this smaller version does not come with a glass cylinder inside as well. We had been debating whether to get it or not since this string light is consistent with the other two string lights in the MBR. The only minus point is that for this small size, it does not come with the glass inside. Betty was great! She made no promises, but said she will try her best to find a piece of small glass and modify the whole thing for us such that there will be a small glass inside the string cylinder to cover the bulb. She managed to find one!!!! In fact, she did the same to our balcony light!
Original balcony light: A string box with a silver wire mesh ball inside. The bulb is inside the ball.
After modification: No more string box over the wire mesh ball. Just the ball itself, with a small glass cylinder inside. The bulb is inside the glass cylinder.
Purpose: Nicer. Also to prevent rain from getting to the bulb. The glass cylinder acts as a protective layer.
Errm, it looks something like this.... not exactly the same but its the closest I can find!

Met up with Evelyn for lunch and we went to Spotlight at Plaza Sing to check out curtain stuff. Liew, didn't know there are so many details with regards to curtains! Anyway, back to where I left off. Ok, yeah, Betty managed to find small glass cylinders to modify those 2 lights, and we bought them! Yay! WIW's passageway and balcony lights settled!!! Finally!!! All lighting stuff settled! Yay!
Total damage: $110
Elissa aka Ah Soh called the person who did her curtains and the guy delivered some samples to my office. Liew, see until eyes blur...
Hb and I went to Teck Whye Curtains and flipped through all the fabrics. Decided to custom make everything. Quality better. But we'll only get the bamboo chicks for the balcony first cos thats more urgent. The rest we'll get them at a later stage. Stupid bamboo chicks cost about $320. Will go to Arab St and Jalan Sultan over the weekend to check out other shops!
- Electrical stuff for our flat completed.
- Painting will start on Satuday. Acid wash after that.
- Confirmed our choice of laminates for the carpentry.
- Carpentry designs to be confirmed tonight with our carpenter Ah Hua.
- Added in a 10mm piece of tempered glass for each of our bathrooms' vanity tops (managed to bring down the price to $350 haha).
- Debating whether to custom make our dresser mirror (full height) or to buy from Sim Siang Choon.
- Phebe